Video tutorial: 

If you want to send a free guest list invitation follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the admin module
  2. Go to Guest list → Manage guest lists
  3. Click on Send invitations to none-members

  4. Enter the first name, last name and email address of the person you want to invite

    Do not check the checkbox Paid. This is for sending a guest list invitation to someone where the invitee still has to pay for the ticket.

  5. Set the number of tickets
  6. To send multiple invitations at once you can click on the Add invitee button to add a new invitee

  7. Click on Next
  8. Now you have to search for the offer you want to send an invitation for. Search for the offer by using the search criteria and click on Search for offers

  9. Select the offer by clicking on the Select button
  10. Click on Next
  11. Check if all the information you entered is correct and click on the Send invitations button and the guest list invitation will be sent.